- 绿茶事实
- 13绿茶健康益处–科学支持
- 1.绿茶EGCG有助于减肥
- 2.绿茶抗氧化剂可能有助于对抗某些癌症
- 3.绿茶可能会降低胰岛素抵抗和糖尿病风险
- 4. Green Tea Antioxidants May Improve Cardiovascular Health
- 5. Green Tea Catechins May Improve Brain Function
- 6. Green Tea EGCG Is Great For Skin And Hair
- 7. Green Tea Antioxidants May Reduce PCOS Risk
- 8. Green Tea Catechins May Reduce High Blood Pressure
- 9. Green Tea Catechins May Reduce Inflammation And Arthritis
- 10. Green Tea May Reduce Depression And Anxiety
- 11. Green Tea EGCG Can Fight Bacteria, Fungi, And Virus
- 12. Green Tea Polyphenols Are Good For Oral Health
- 13. Green Tea May Boost Immunity And Increase Longevity
- How Many Cups Of Green Tea To Drink Per Day?
- Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Green Tea
- Conclusion
- 91 sources
- 好处
- 什么时候喝
- 副作用
绿茶是世界上最受欢迎的健康饮品(1)。它是从 山茶 植物中获得的 。 绿茶所含儿茶素具有科学证明的健康益处(2),(3)。这篇文章讨论了绿茶的13种好处,以及为什么应该定期喝绿茶。继续向下滑。
- 绿茶是在公元前3000年在中国发现的(4)。它在日本和印度受到佛教僧侣的欢迎,他们为了冥想和健康益处而旅行和喝绿茶。
- 所有茶(红茶,乌龙茶,抹茶等)均来自同一植物,即 山茶 。但是,绿茶比黑茶和普-茶的加工和氧化程度低。因此,它富含酚类化合物和其他营养物质(5),(6)。
- 绿茶中富含抗氧化剂,称为儿茶素(四种)(7):
- 表儿茶素(EC)
- 表儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯(ECG)
- 表没食子儿茶素(EGC)
- 表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯(EGCG)
- 促进新陈代谢和脂肪氧化-绿茶儿茶素和咖啡因可促进新陈代谢并诱导脂肪快速氧化(脂肪分解为脂肪酸)。一项研究发现,EGCG含量高的绿茶提取物(GTE)刺激了分解脂肪的基因(10)。另一项研究发现,绿茶EGCG通过降低脂质吸收来减少37%的内脏脂肪(11)。
- 诱导生热–绿茶提取物(GTE)诱导生热(体内热量产生),导致体重减轻(12)。绿茶中的咖啡因和儿茶素还通过抑制儿茶酚-o-甲基转移酶(13)来帮助延长生热作用。
- 减少饥饿感–绿茶中的EGCG和咖啡因可通过调节饥饿基因和激素来帮助降低食欲(14)。科学家发现EGCG可降低饥饿激素瘦素的水平。这导致实验室大鼠的食物消耗减少了60%,体重减轻了21%(15)。
- 改善体能–绿茶EGCG和/或绿茶提取物有助于减轻运动员的疲劳感。反过来,这可以改善体力活动和性能并减少恢复时间(16)。绿茶提取物还有助于将运动耐力延长8-24%(17)。
- 零卡路里–绿茶的卡路里为零。减肥饮食的人如果每天喝2-3杯绿茶,就不必担心摄入过多的卡路里。
- 乳腺癌– EGCG帮助降低了19%的乳腺癌风险和27%的复发率(20)。绿茶的抗癌特性可能有助于降低乳腺癌的表达和活性氧(ROS)水平(21)。EGCG降低了癌基因(癌症基因)的活性和癌细胞的增殖(22)。
- 结肠癌–绿茶还有助于降低非吸烟者患结肠癌的风险。绿茶摄入量增加2克,结肠癌风险降低12%(23)。在另一项研究中,科学家发现喝绿茶六个月的人患消化癌的风险降低了17%(24)。
- 鼻咽癌–绿茶中的EGCG可降低鼻咽癌(头颈部)的风险。它可防止癌细胞增殖,迁移和癌细胞死亡(凋亡)(25)。
- 宫颈和前列腺癌– EGCG抑制宫颈癌细胞的增殖(26)。每天至少喝五杯绿茶有助于降低男性患前列腺癌的风险(27)。
- 肺癌–每天至少喝三杯绿茶还可以减少吸烟者患肺癌的风险(28)。EGCG有助于阻止肺癌细胞增殖并排毒环境毒素和致癌因子(致癌物)(29),(30)。
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) increases satiety, aids weight loss, reduces waist circumference, increases insulin sensitivity, and regulates blood sugar levels (33), (34).
Consuming three cups of green tea per day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 42% (35).
Bottom Line – Green tea catechins help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by aiding weight loss, increasing insulin sensitivity, and lowering serum blood glucose levels.
4. Green Tea Antioxidants May Improve Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) like heart disease, stroke, and cardiac arrest are the leading causes of deaths every year (36). These diseases are caused due to high LDL cholesterol and serum triglycerides, obesity, and high blood pressure. Green tea helps in the following ways:
- May Lower LDL Cholesterol – In a study, EGCG lowered LDL cholesterol (cholesterol deposits on arterial walls blocks the blood flow) by 9. 29 mg/dl (37).
- May Reduce High BP – Drinking green tea helped reduce visceral fat accumulation by 17.8%, decreased cholesterol absorption and LDL oxidation, and reduced blood pressure (38), (39), (40).
- Low doses of green tea also help prevent atrial fibrillation and improve heart health (41).
Bottom Line – Green tea may help prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke by lowering total and LDL cholesterol levels, reducing high blood pressure, and aiding weight loss.
5. Green Tea Catechins May Improve Brain Function
Scientists have found that EGCG and l-theanine (an amino acid found in green tea) have antioxidant properties (42). These compounds help protect your brain and improve brain function, cognition, mood, and attention (43). Here’s how green tea helps:
- May Prevent Brain Dysfunction – The neuroprotective properties of green tea induce neuritogenesis (synthesis of new neurites) and help suppress brain dysfunction (44).
- Can Improve Memory – Studies show that green tea consumption can help improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (45), (46).
Bottom Line – The EGCG and l-theanine in green tea improve brain function, mood, attention, and protect from neurodegenerative diseases.
6. Green Tea EGCG Is Great For Skin And Hair
- Delays Skin Aging – Green tea antioxidants help protect the skin from UV rays, oxidative stress, photodamage, and skin cancer (47), (48). Green tea antioxidants also help delay collagen ageing, thereby keeping your skin looking young (49).
- Lowers Skin Inflammation – The anti-inflammatory property also protects the skin from inflammatory reactions and skin conditions like acne, atopic dermatitis, keloids, warts, hirsutism, candidiasis, etc. (50).
- Prevents Hair Fall – A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science showed that the application of green tea extract on the scalp helped reduce scalp greasiness (51). Green also helped reduce androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) or hair loss (52).
- Makes Hair Smooth And Shiny – Green tea may stimulate hair growth by inhibiting Dihydrotestosterone (DTH), and it also softens hair (53), (54). It contains polyphenols and vitamins C and E, which are known to promote lustrous hair.
Bottom Line – The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols in green tea help maintain good skin and hair health.
7. Green Tea Antioxidants May Reduce PCOS Risk
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in women (55). High amounts of androgens (male hormones), irregular periods, and excessive facial hair are a few characteristics of PCOS. Green tea may help in the following ways:
- Aids Weight Loss – Research shows that overweight or obese women (who are prone to develop PCOS) who drink green tea can prevent the risk of PCOS by losing weight (56).
- Prevents Hormonal Imbalance – Another study confirmed that green tea helps reduce testosterone levels and decreases fasting insulin levels (57).
- Reduces Cysts – Green tea polyphenols can also help reduce the number of cysts and cyst layer thickness (58).
Bottom Line – Green tea antioxidants may help women with PCOS by reducing total body fat, testosterone levels, number of cysts, and cyst layer thickness.
8. Green Tea Catechins May Reduce High Blood Pressure
Complications from high blood pressure or hypertension claim about 9.4 million lives per year (59). Poor diet, inactivity, age, genes, and gender may cause high blood pressure. Green tea helps in reducing high blood pressure and relaxes the smooth muscles.
- Reduces High Blood Pressure – Scientists found that green tea or green tea extract (GTE) could reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in overweight and obese adults (60). Another study confirmed that green tea helped lower systolic blood pressure by 6.6% and diastolic blood pressure by 5.1% (61).
- Relaxes Smooth Muscles – The powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help relax smooth muscle contraction, reduce inflammation, and lower vascular oxidative stress, thereby reducing high blood pressure (62).
Bottom Line – Regular consumption of green tea helps reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
9. Green Tea Catechins May Reduce Inflammation And Arthritis
Inflammation is the body’s first response to injury, infection, or autoimmune diseases. It paves the path for healing. But chronic or constant inflammation may cause weight gain, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. (63). Here’s how green tea helps manage inflammation:
- May Reduce Inflammation And Diseases – Green tea’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help reduce the inflammatory markers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), gastric cancer, arthritis, inflammation-induced weight gain, and neurodegenerative disorders (64).
- Helps Manage Arthritic Inflammation – According to the Arthritis Foundation, EGCG in green tea has 100 times stronger antioxidant activity than vitamins C and E(65). Consuming 4-6 cups of green tea may help reduce swollen joints and inflammation in people with rheumatoid arthritis (66). EGCG inhibits pro-inflammatory molecules and inflammatory signalling pathways that lead to inflammation and arthritis (67), (68).
Bottom Line – Green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce chronic inflammation, swelling, redness, and joint pain by blocking inflammatory pathways.
10. Green Tea May Reduce Depression And Anxiety
More than 300 million people deal with depression, and 40 million people with anxiety (69), (70). Green tea can reduce the symptoms in the following ways:
- Improves Mood – Research studies show that green tea catechins help lower symptoms of depression and anxiety (71), (72). Green tea antioxidants also helped reduce depression in people who had a stroke (73).
- Reduces Stress Hormones – Green tea polyphenols or catechins work by reducing stress hormones commonly associated with depression and anxiety (74).
Bottom Line – Green tea polyphenols help reduce stress hormones, thereby reducing anxiety and depression and improving mood. It is not without reason that Buddhist monks drink green tea before meditation.
11. Green Tea EGCG Can Fight Bacteria, Fungi, And Virus
Pathogenic microorganisms like certain bacteria, virus, fungi cause infections and may also claim lives (75).
- Fights Bacterial Infections – EGCG is a natural antibiotic. Researchers found that the EGCG in green tea could help protect from bacterial infections in the lungs (76). Green tea’s antimicrobial property is effective against oral bacteria, UTI caused by cold, and the notoriously dangerous Bacillus anthracis (anthrax bacteria) (77), (78), (79).
- Fights Fungal And Viral Infections – Studies have also confirmed that green tea is effective against fungal and viral infections (80).
Bottom Line – Green tea has antimicrobial properties that help reduce the chances of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.
12. Green Tea Polyphenols Are Good For Oral Health
- Protects Oral Health – The antibacterial properties of green tea polyphenols also help protect the oral cavity from bacterial infections. Green tea protects oral health by reducing oral cavity oxidative stress due to smoking (81).
- Improves Dental Health – The anti-inflammatory property of green tea helps reduce inflammation and the risk of periodontal diseases and dental caries (82), (83), (84). Green tea polyphenols improve dental health and reduce the risk of oral cancer (85).
Bottom Line – Green tea’s antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the risk of dental caries, oral cancer, and bacterial infections.
13. Green Tea May Boost Immunity And Increase Longevity
- May Increase Lifespan – Research showed that people in China who regularly consumed green tea lived longer with as high as 10% reduced risk of mortality (86).
- May Improve Quality Of Life In The Elderly – Drinking green tea may help strengthen immunity and lower functional disability in the elderly (87), (88).
- May Reduce Risk Of Death –Green tea consumers who are non-smokers may have reduced risk of death from causes like high cholesterol, depression, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes (89), (90).
Bottom Line – Green tea antioxidants may help boost immunity and increase the chances of living a longer, healthier life.
These are the 13 reasons to drink green tea regularly. Drinking too many cups of green tea at odd times may have a few side effects. Scroll down to know how many cups to drink and when.
How Many Cups Of Green Tea To Drink Per Day?
You may drink three cups of green tea per day. Do not exceed the limit of four cups. Drink green tea 20-30 minutes before lunch, evening workout, and dinner. You may also have a cup of green tea with breakfast.
Avoid drinking it on an empty stomach (drink lime water or just water on an empty stomach). Also, avoid drinking green tea right before sleeping. The caffeine may prevent you from falling asleep. Drink it at least 4-5 hours before bed.
Note: Drink decaffeinated green tea if you are caffeine intolerant.
What will happen if you drink too many cups of green tea per day?
Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Green Tea
- May cause liver toxicity and kidney issues.
- May cause spina bifida in newborn babies (91).
- May cause insomnia.
- May cause stomach upset and cramps.
Here are a few more green tea side effects in detail.
Green tea is one of the best health drinks. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help in combating various diseases and conditions. However, you must not consume more than 3-4 cups of green tea per day. Also, it is best that you brew it using these methods instead of using green tea bags. With that in mind (and after talking to your doctor), start drinking green tea for a better and healthier life. Cheers!
91 sources
Stylecraze有严格的采购准则,并依赖经过同行评审的研究,学术研究机构和医学协会。我们避免使用三级引用。您可以阅读我们的编辑政策,进一步了解我们如何确保内容的准确性和最新性。- 绿茶儿茶素:它们在治疗和预防传染病中的用途。2018.https
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